Funding for Special Educational Needs (SEN ) in Mainstream Schools
What Does the SEND Code of Practice Say?
The SEND Code of Practice (6.2) states that schools must:
“Use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need—this means doing everything they can to meet children and young people’s SEN.”
Schools are expected to allocate part of their budget to provide resources and support for pupils with special educational needs. This can include:
Adapting the curriculum.
Providing special equipment or teaching materials.
Using assistive technology.
Small group work.
Extra in-class support.
Creating spaces for quiet time or individual work.

How Is SEND Funding Provided?
Element 1 – Basic School Funding
Every school receives funding for each pupil, called the Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU). This includes some funding for general SEND provision, such as employing a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) or providing general SEN resources.
Element 2 – Additional Support
Schools receive delegated funding to provide up to £6,000 of additional or different support for children who need it. This doesn’t mean every child with SEND will have £6,000 spent on them individually—schools may use this funding to support groups of children or specific interventions.
Element 3 – High-Needs Funding
For children with more complex needs, schools can request additional funding from the Local Authority. This is called top-up funding and comes from the high-needs block. It may be accessed through the Graduated Support Pathway or an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP).

Graduated Support Pathway
Schools can apply for additional funding without an EHCP by submitting evidence to a multi-agency panel. If approved, funding is provided in increments of £500, and a Graduated Support Plan (GSP) outlines the provision required. The plan is regularly monitored and reviewed.
Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs)
An EHCP provides a detailed assessment of a child’s needs and the support required. If a plan is issued, funding is allocated in increments of £1,000 based on the provision outlined in the EHCP. A multi-agency panel determines the level of funding needed to meet the child’s outcomes and support requirements.
How Can I Check What Support My Child is Receiving?
To find out more about your child’s support and resources:
Speak to their teacher or SENCO.
Request a written copy of their support plan, such as a Person-Centred Plan (PCP) or Child-Centred Plan (CCP).
Ask to see a Provision Map, which may include costings for the support being provided.
If your child has an EHCP, refer to the plan for details of the allocated support and resources.
Where Can I Get Further Information or Support?
For more advice about SEND funding and support, contact Shropshire SENDIASS. We’re here to provide impartial guidance and help you navigate your child’s educational journey.