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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Support for parents 

Supporting a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can bring many rewards, but it can also come with challenges—especially when it comes to mental health and wellbeing. In recent years, more children and young people have been experiencing mental health difficulties, with estimates suggesting that around 1 in 6 now have a recognised mental health need.

For children and young people with SEND, mental health challenges can add extra difficulties, both in education and daily life. But support is available.

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Mental Health and Behaviour

The Department for Education (DfE) provides useful advice on behaviour and bullying, including where to get support. Their guidance answers common questions for pupils, parents, and teaching professionals.

The Mental Capacity Act and Supported Decision Making

As young people prepare for adulthood, making decisions about their future is important. The Mental Capacity Act helps ensure they are supported in making choices that matter to them.

Preparing for Adulthood (PfA), in partnership with several organisations, has created a factsheet explaining how the Mental Capacity Act links with the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Care Act. It explores how supported decision-making can empower young people and help them achieve positive outcomes as they move towards adulthood.

Helpful Organisations 

Information and Links to recommended organisations



offer therapies and interventions, addressing mild to moderate mental health difficulties. The care team specialise in assessments and support for ASC and ADHD, Access services through a referral from CAHMS or a GP.

BEAT (Beating Eating Disorders)

provides information, help, advice and support for people experiencing an eating disorder and their carers.

Young Minds

is an independent national charity offering support and advice for children, young people and their parent/carers, and professionals. Support includes advice and information,, training courses (for adults), programmes of support, helplines, webchat, top tips, and help and guidance on accessing services.

Mental Health Foundation 

provides information about mental health to help including; podcasts, videos, stories and an A-Z help guide.


free learning resource for Mental Health in children, young people and adults.



Challenge bullying and advocate for mental health. They provide support, resources and advice to children, parent carers and professionals. 


BeeU provides

Emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people (0-25)

Neurodevelopmental assessments for children – autism for 5-18 year olds, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for 6-18 year olds

Community Eating Disorder Services for 0-18 year olds

Using Tablet at the Park

Kooth (online)

Children and young people can directly access Kooth without the need for a referral being made.

Kooth is an online emotional wellbeing community for children and young people aged 11 to 25 where they can access free, safe, and anonymous support.

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