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Help with school

School should be a place where you feel supported and able to learn in a way that works for you.


If you need extra help, there are things that can be put in place to make school life easier.

This section explains the support you can get, and how you can have your say.

EHC Plans

An EHC Plan (Education, Health and Care Plan) is a legal document that describes the support a young person with SEND needs in school or college. It can help make sure you get the right help.

What is an EHC Needs Assessment?

An EHC needs assessment is a process that helps decide if you need an EHC Plan. It looks at what support you need and whether an EHC Plan would help.

What is an EHC Plan?

An EHC Plan is a written document that says what support you need at school or college and how it should be provided. It includes things like your goals, the help you need, and where you’ll get your education.

What is an EHC Plan Review?

Every year, your EHC Plan must be reviewed to check if it still meets your needs. This is a chance for you to say what is working, what isn’t, and what changes might be needed.

Have your say!

We want to make sure our service works for you. Your thoughts, ideas, and feedback help us improve and support young people better.

Is there something we could do better?

Do you have an idea for how we can support young people like you?

Want to request information or resources that would help you?

We’d love to hear from you! Fill out our quick feedback form and let us know what you think.

Your voice matters, and we’re listening.

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