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Supporting Children and Young People with Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

EBSA describes children and young people who struggle to attend school due to emotional factors, often leading to long absences. 

The earlier we identify and support children experiencing EBSA, the better their chances of overcoming anxiety, building resilience, and improving attendance.

What we know works

Practical resources available for parents, young people and professionals

West Sussex County council have published a range of printable resources for schools, pupils and parents on EBSA. These include research findings, information and practical advice and steps

Explore our online training and resource links on all things SEND, there is an EBSA webinar  available to watch in the courses section

Group Hug

Looking After Mental Health and Wellbeing

Struggling with school can have a big impact on mental health. If your child is experiencing anxiety or emotional difficulties, there is support available. Visit our Mental Health and Wellbeing page for guidance, resources, and organisations that can help.

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